our terroir
Tocco da Casauria, 360 metres above sea level, on the foothills of Mount Maiella and Mount Morrone.
The climate and soil formation make this some of the best wine country in Abruzzo, guaranteeing
a stunning sensory profile.
These ideal winegrowing conditions have been famous since ancient times and the renowned scholar and abbot, Stoppani, who stayed here during his travels in the 1800s, sampled the area’s delicious food and wine. After sampling the latter, he defined it “ambrosia” in his work Il Bel Paese.
Guardiani Farchione continues to produce that same exquisite wine, combining age-old wisdom with state-of-the-art technology. Our trust in organic farming is unshakeable, safeguarding the health of consumers who are increasingly mindful and prefer natural products from sustainable agriculture.
Corporate philosophy is inspired by love and respect for the environment, and for this land of ours, so rich in resources, which we protect and promote with green farming methods to minimize environmental impact.
The company philosophy is attention and respect for the environment and our land rich in resources that must be protected and enhanced with green agriculture that minimizes the environmental impact.